
Posts Tagged ‘Bioshock Infinite’

Bioshock Infinite: Clash in the Clouds DLC Review

It has felt like an eternity, but Irrational Games has finally announced their DLC plans for Bioshock Infinite. For a while I was regretting my Season Pass purchase since there was no new content, but now I can see why it’s been taking so long. The upcoming single player story content entitled “Burial at Sea” looks absolutely amazing as I’ll get to return to the familiar surroundings of the underwater city of Rapture. Sadly, since that DLC won’t release until further down the road, Irrational Games has released something to hold gamers like myself over. Clash in the Clouds has arrived, and the new content feels like something very familiar that I’ve played many times before, but it’s unfortunately not the DLC that I was hoping for.

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Bioshock Infinite Review

“Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt”

Back in 2007, Irrational Games took me on a journey. A journey under the sea. Rapture. A once great utopia that sadly morphed into the asylum of horrors. Andrew Ryan’s dream turned into a nightmare with a population full of plasmid induced Splicers, Big Daddies, and Little Sisters. Yeah, things went really bad in this underwater city, but I was eventually able to break free of the terrors that were before me. Fast forward to today and Irrational Games is sending me on a new adventure, but this time I’m no longer under the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Now it’s time to head above the clouds. Welcome to Columbia.

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Five Games I Can’t Wait To Play In 2013

Welcome to a brand new year. It’s 2013, and yet I’m still trying to finish games from as far back as 2010. Yes, I’m looking at you Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space 2. While I’ll be working diligently trying to complete older games I’ll also be reviewing all the new games that will arrive. Once again there will be a heavy influx of titles during the next couple of months starting in February, and I think part of this has to do with the the fact that there’s a new Xbox console on the way later this year. So until the Xbox 720, Durango, or whatever Microsoft wants to call the new console arrives, or if I retire from gaming, there’s still a shitload of games on the horizon that I want to play. While some of these games have piqued my interest only five are on my must play list this year. So what games can I no longer wait to play? Check out my list.

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E3 2012: Microsoft Press Conference Predictions

In just one week, the gaming world will descend on Los Angeles for the 2012 edition of the Electronic Entertainment Expo otherwise known as E3. It’s a week filled with big announcements, parties, and tons of games to play.  Back in 2009, I attended the E3 Expo and had one heck of a good time as I got the opportunity to meet and play some games with some of the big names of the industry. I also remember consuming a ton of alcoholic beverages as well. Still it was a great time that I hope to do again in the future.

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