
Posts Tagged ‘free’

Killer Instinct Review

Back in the ’90s, it was fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat that ruled the arcades. However, a new challenger in the 2D fighting scene would eventually emerge and state it’s case for fighting game supremacy. Killer Instinct. A combo driven fighter, featuring an over-the-top cast of characters, all of a sudden became the rage amongst players. Unfortunately, I didn’t dive into the game unlike most people due to the fact that I thought Killer Instinct would be nothing more than a flash in the pan quickly fading into oblivion. Oh how I was wrong. Killer Instinct became a monster hit both in the arcades and on Nintendo consoles. Then, for some strange reason, it mysteriously faded away. Why? Who knows, but now I don’t care, because after a 17 year absence Killer Instinct has finally made it’s long awaited return exclusively to the Xbox One.

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Plants vs Zombies 2 Review

I think I can say that I’m a little obsessed when it comes to the original Plants vs Zombies game. I became so addicted to the garden defense gameplay to the point that I had to own the game on every platform in my possession including my iPhone, iPad, and Xbox 360. I almost purchased it on PlayStation 3, but I was able to calm my gardening urges. With that said it looked like my obsession would finally calm down, but all of that would soon change when a certain sequel would arrive on my iPad and iPhone. Plants vs Zombies 2. The Crazy Dave in me has once again resurfaced as my obsession to defend my lawn against the endless zombie horde is back. Why? Because I’m crazy!

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Gun Bros Review

The game may have been out for awhile, but this is the first time I found out about Gun Bros. After spending a few hours with the game the first thing that came into mind was the scene in The Matrix with Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss when Neo said “I need guns. Lots of guns.” Well that’s what this game features best. It’s also a great twin stick shooter as well.

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Baseball Superstars 2 Review

Baseball Superstars, from Gamevil, was a huge hit for iPhone and iPad players. How do you follow it up? With a sequel of course. Baseball Superstars 2 brings back everything you loved about the first game. With all the greatness of the original game returning I should mention that there are a few issues that hamper the experience just a bit. However, I should also mention that this game is free so don’t let a few technicalities get in the way of the addictive fun that you will have.

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Tekken Bowl Review

Like most fighting game fans, we’re all eagerly anticipating in hope that the popular fighting game Tekken will arrive on iOS devices. C’mon Namco, we already have Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat to play. When can we all expect some Tekken love? That seems to be the big question. While I ponder the potential possibility Namco Bandai did release something that has to do with Tekken. Unfortunately, it’s not the popular fighting game. It’s actually a bowling game. The best part is that the game is absolutely free of charge and it’s a lot of fun.

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