
Posts Tagged ‘Grand Theft Auto V’

Video Game Highlights From The VGX Disaster

So the VGX award show took place last night. I know…who cares right? Yeah, just like in previous years where they had the big Hollywood spectacle, this year’s more personal feel was a disaster from the get go. While I could’ve been doing other things (like watching football, or playing games) I suffered watching the three hour internet stream. Joel McHale helped host the train wreck of a show filled with absurd comments and lack of gaming knowledge. I guess Aisha Tyler was busy that night. You could even see the look of discomfort on Geoff Keighley’s face from time to time which left me wondering how long before the self appointed “Emperor of Video Games” would punch Joel McHale in the face.

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Grand Theft Auto V Review

September 18, 2013 1 comment

September 17, 2013. Los Santos. I witnessed a situation where the cops were chasing a vehicle at an intersection. When the car stopped, two gangbangers jumped out and opened fire at the cops. The police killed one of the shooters, and I decided to take on the role of a vigilante by helping the good guys. I ran over the second assailant! I thought I did a good deed, but the cops saw otherwise as I received a a one-star wanted rating. So I got out of my car, collected the guns and money, got back in my car (now my wanted rating has hit two stars), and I was on the run. For awhile I had trouble shaking them off, but I was able to go off-road into a secluded location where they were unable to find me. Once the fuzz gave up, I got back home, smoked a joint, and turned on the television just in time for a new episode of Republican Space Rangers. Yup, just another interesting day here in sunny Los Santos. Just another day playing a little game called Grand Theft Auto V.

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Memories of Grand Theft Auto

September 14, 2013 1 comment

Here I am on a beautiful sunny day, and I’m rolling down the street in my car. A car that I stole. I’m weaving through traffic at a high rate of speed with the police hot on my trail. Why? Well that’s because I committed a major crime. The crime you ask? We’ll just call it murder. I took out a few citizens at the strip club. Now I need to get away before the cops bust me. What do I do? Well, let’s take a deep breath, and think things out while I take Johnny Law on a ride of their lives as well as eliminating a few uniformed officers for shits and giggles. It’s all in good fun. Besides, it’s only a game. A really fun game. A game called Grand Theft Auto.

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Five Games I Can’t Wait To Play In 2013

Welcome to a brand new year. It’s 2013, and yet I’m still trying to finish games from as far back as 2010. Yes, I’m looking at you Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space 2. While I’ll be working diligently trying to complete older games I’ll also be reviewing all the new games that will arrive. Once again there will be a heavy influx of titles during the next couple of months starting in February, and I think part of this has to do with the the fact that there’s a new Xbox console on the way later this year. So until the Xbox 720, Durango, or whatever Microsoft wants to call the new console arrives, or if I retire from gaming, there’s still a shitload of games on the horizon that I want to play. While some of these games have piqued my interest only five are on my must play list this year. So what games can I no longer wait to play? Check out my list.

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